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Tips for Showing your Home Last Minute

Having your home on the market can be stressful, especially when a showing is scheduled last minute and you have less than an hour to prepare. First impressions can make or break a sale, so here are some helpful tips to tidy up your home and give it a quick refresh when you don’t have much time.


  1. First things first, open the windows.

If the weather is mild and you can keep them open for a half hour or so, this will really help eliminate stale odors or other unpleasant smells. Do this first so that you can generate some fresh air circulation while you tidy up other areas.


  1. Make the beds and fluff the couch pillows.

It may seem like such a little thing but making the bed can really pull a room together and create a huge impact on the entire look of the space. Even if you don’t have time to tuck the sheets in perfectly, just have the top blanket straightened out and looking nice. If you have throw pillows and blankets on the couch, fluff them up a little and give them a quick spritz of fabric freshener to give the living space a clean and tidy appearance.


  1. Round up all laundry.

Dirty laundry can give even the cleanest of rooms a sloppy and dirty appearance, so make sure all laundry baskets are safely tucked away in a closet or the laundry room. The last thing you want when trying to sell your home is to inadvertently turn buyers away because of something so simple.


  1. Hide your dirty dishes.

When you have a showing in less than an hour, now is not the time to start thoroughly washing things. Collect all dirty dishes from the house and toss them in the dishwasher; you can get them back out later and load it up properly. For now, the goal is “out of sight, out of mind”. This same principal can be applied to any area of your home that has piles of clutter. At some point it might be a good idea to hire a professional organizer or cleaner to help you get your house in top shape, but for the moment a quick clean will do just fine.


For more tips on how to make your house a home visit our website!







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